Jacob Felix Heule is a percussionist and electronic musician focused on sound-oriented improvisation following the traditions of electro-acoustic improv, noise, and 20th-century composition. His playing embraces both rough-edged intensity and disciplined instrumental technique.

As an acoustic musician, Heule employs diverse techniques to activate the sonic potential of physical objects, usually drums and cymbals. The primary content of his music arises from this heightened awareness of the physicality of sound -- vibrating material objects creating air pressure waves. His playing is minimalist in allowing the raw sounds of objects to stand on their own: The material is the music.

Heule's Norwegian/American acoustic noise ensemble Sult has been actively touring the US and Europe, and released its second album, Harm, in 2013. His local group Addleds (with Kyle Bruckmann, Kanoko Nishi, and Tony Dryer) was awarded a grant from the San Francisco Friends of Chamber Music to hold a concert series in the fall of 2013. Heule has also been actively touring with Voicehandler, his electro-acoustic duo with Danishta Rivero, and they are currently working on a recording of the their open-form song cycle.

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jacob@heule.us with your city of residence

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